Welcome to NetMounter, Dayna Communications, Inc. NetWare™ access software for the Macintosh.
1. You must run the Installer on the original disk in order to install NetMounter into your System Folder. The Installer will Personalize NetMounter the first time you run it. Each additional time you install NetMounter, the Installer will remind you to whom the software is registered. You must insert the disk in an internal disk driver before the Personalizer will run.
2. NetMounter is not compatible with the new Apple EtherTalk NB card with the Apple AUI connector. The earlier version of the Apple EtherTalk NB card with the BNC connector will work.
Documentation Corrections
Appendix B
Using the Desktop Rebuilder Application
NetMounter comes with a Desktop Rebuilder application that lets you rebuild the Desktop on NetWare volumes, or volumes that support a Desktop.
The Desktop contains the icon information Macintosh volumes use to link applications with their icons. To work with NetWare 3.11, NetMounter creates its own Desktop, which operates independently of the NetWare Desktop. However, if you are using both NetWare 3.11 and NetMounter to access NetWare volumes, when you copy applications to a volume, the NetWare and NetMounter Desktop files can contain different icon information, resulting in the new application’s icon failing to appear in one of the Desktops.
The Desktop Rebuilder is in the “Other Stuff” folder on the NetMounter Disk. It can be used to:
• Rebuild the Desktop when you migrate between NetMounter and NetWare for Macintosh under NetWare 3.11
• For NetMounter installations used with NetWare 3.11, the Rebuilder application lets you synchronize the information in both Desktop files.
• Rebuild the Desktop to optimize disk performance
Deleting the Desktop
If you want to improve disk performance, you need to delete the existing Desktop before running Rebuilder. (You don’t need to delete the Desktop if you simply want to synchronize the icon information in the Desktop files.)
•Deleting the NetWare 2.x Desktop on Servers with NetWare for Macintosh
Under NetWare 2.15 and 2.2, the Desktop can be cleared by setting the Desktop to 0 (zero) in the MacSetup program, which is shipped with NetWare for Macintosh. Refer to the section Maintenance Issues: Clearing and rebuilding the Desktop in Chapter 4 of the NetWare for Macintosh v3.0 Installation and Maintenance manual for more information.
•Deleting the Desktop on Servers without NetWare for Macintosh
If you are not using NetWare for Macintosh, you must delete the Desktop from a PC workstation. Log in to the server with Supervisor rights from a PC workstation. Change directory to the Desktop directory at the root of the volume and delete all files and directories. Change directory back to the root of the volume and delete the Desktop directory. Next, log in to the volume with Supervisor rights from a Macintosh. This will create the Desktop. Once this has been done, run the Desktop Rebuilder to add information to the Desktop.
•Deleting the Desktop on NetWare 3.11 Servers with NetWare for Macintosh
To delete the existing Desktop on NetWare 3.11 servers running NetWare for Macintosh, execute these commands at the server console:
unload afp <Enter> (Unloads NetWare for Macintosh)
load afp cdt <Enter> (Loads NetWare for Macintosh and deletes the Desktop)
Then log in using NetMounter and run the Rebuilder. Next, log in using the NLMs and run Rebuilder again. This will create two identical Desktops.
Mail Compatibility cc:Mail
With the NetWare volume containing the cc:Mail post office mounted on the Macintosh using NetMounter, the Macintosh user can use cc:Mail for Macintosh to read mail, create mail and access the cc:Mail bulletin boards. The automatic mounting feature of cc:Mail, "Direct Service Access" (DSA) will not work with NetMounter. The Macintosh user must mount the NetWare volume manually or during startup in order to use cc:Mail for Macintosh.